Now it can be told! My Balticon 50 schedule


– Friday, 6pm – Queering the Feed: GLTBA in podcasting (Parlor 9029) Currently just J.R. Blackwell signed up to help me with this, but there’s open slots for any other queerbos who want to join in.

– Saturday, 1pm – Black Tribbles podcast (Mt. Washington) Not only are Black Tribbles doing a live show at Balticon this year, but I’m gonna be a guest when they do!

– Saturday, 4pm – Reading (Parlor 8059) It’s listed as “humorous science-fiction,” so be prepared to laugh. In a sci-fi kind of way.

– Sunday, 9:15pm – The Voice of Free Planet X live show: Rap Battle Beyond The Stars! (Kent Theater) With J.r. Blackwell, Christiana Ellis, Jason Gregory Banks, Veronica Giguere, Dave Robison, luchadore masks, baby demons, and the freshest flow from the other side of the galaxy! You don’t want to miss this!